I have graduated from RKDF College Bhopal. Then It had some reputation but now like most of the colleges in ...Read more
College Guruji Latest Questions
I will answer you practically, you can go for any university to pursue BA and can earn a degree but ...Read more
There isn’t a GOOD or GREAT college for engineering. Always one college students will complain about their college while comparing with other colleges. But when someone tell bad about their college they will try every possible way to prove that ...Read more
RV College Of Engineering Admission Procedure Every Year RV College of Engineering invites engineering aspirants for ...Read more
There are two process of admission in SRM University 1) SRMJEEE — This is a common entrance examination for admission ...Read more
Nobody prefers it. They just take it because they dont have a better option. With ...Read more
Im doctor (my internship is just about to end in 3 days)and im preparing for ...Read more
OK. Let me me share my experience of last ...Read more
Do whatever you want and Just don’t take decision based on “Log Kya Kahengey”(What will ...Read more