You basically have one semester breaks one break only after the winter semester. They are called as Inter semester and Summer semester respectively for students who choose to take classes during their breaks. NO Fall break: Winter Break : May 1 to ...Read more
College Guruji Latest Questions
Thankyou for A2A. Delhi University have two type of categories of Colleges either good or very ...Read more
Answered May 5, 2021 Read more
VIT certainly keeps empty ranks and later uses those slots for filling and selling. (Shady!) VIT has multiple categories. So one can get CS VIT by paying that something extra in a different category even without the shady route in 1. ...Read more
Telegram groups.Although I doubt ,all of the videos wouldn’t be sitting there free for everyone ...Read more
PRIST University’s thanjavur campus is recognised by UGC, but their off-campuses are not recognized. A ...Read more
Congratulations! Start coding from second year itself. If you want to get job of more than 10 ...Read more
NCERT— National council of education research & training Autonomous organisation of India established on 1 sept ...Read more
Summer term for students in first,third ,fourth or fifth year of engineering is basically a ...Read more
I am first year student and like everyone read a lot of negative answers on quora before joining the insititute ...Read more