Story : The starting was quite simple but the suspense was unexpected. Which is definitely the USP of this short movie. Audio – I wish if you could work a little more on the audio. Decrease the background volume during a conversation. Pre-record ...
College Guruji Latest Questions
I submitted my migration application today after three failed attempts. Thus sharing the exact procedure. Hope it helps. As of now, they have allotted three days for the process- Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please try to reach by 10 am if ...
As I have been a part of both universities I will give my two cents to your question as well. I pursued my Bachelors from DU. I was very lucky in that I was a part of LSR and therefore my ...
Hey! It is purely on two steps 1- written test ( mandatory) 2- Interview ( optional) Forms are out for a weeks time you ...
I have studied at both universities. I believe for bachelors Delhi University is the best. It is very tough to get in DU for the master’s program because of the very few numbers of seats available. Panjab University has a ...
Having lived in both cities, Delhi University is much better. Even the people of Mumbai have no second thoughts about that. DU offers a wide range of subjects which aren’t there in MU. MU doesn’t even have a course in economics ...
They come out when you’ve completely forgotten about them! Dude, this one time after my my fourth semester exams, the results came out when our fifth semester had already started and was in full swing. Most of my class didn’t even ...
Firstly, Congratulations on getting admission to Delhi University, and secondly, Best of luck with your new journey. You actually don’t need to buy books. Most of them would be available in the college library which you can issue by using a ...
Being cheated. You see those hight cut-offs for intakes or those university rankings, that’s all a facade. University of Delhi is overrated. The university is crumbling whether it is it’s infrastructure or quality of education. The few good colleges can be counted ...
The University of Delhi announced that they are going to start the application process from May 20. And after that the cut offs will be released. University also announced that they are going to release first cut off on June ...