Come prepared with enough rain gear. If you are bringing a two wheeler, be aware that driving is aggressive here. Hence be careful when you drive Udupi district, under which Manipal comes has almost 100% literacy. Hence people are polite and expect ...Read more
College Guruji Latest Questions
Go for manipal manipal -an old university and. Many mnc’s come.good environment and infrastructure Upes -not much old university but placements are descent Amity- very costly and placements are not too good as compared to their fee Lpu- no need to say as we ...Read more
Well, basically i belong to Chennai campus, there are many strict rules, but to keep my answer brief i would say:- 1)You are not allowed to wear shorts or capperies in academic block and library. 2)Hostel in time for boys is 9 ...Read more
Well I passed out from Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore in 2019 and so I ...Read more
It is the placement time when you actually realize the value of your branch. The placements in CSE and IT are best. Most of the students in these two branch get excellent placement. Third in placement is ECE because 90% of ...Read more
Actually it do exists. When you come inside some club. But yeah till that time I too felt there is no communication ...Read more
OK. Let me me share my experience of last ...Read more
here are many field in which you can work after Bsc agriculture. First I will tell you about Bsc agriculture. It is a 4 years long Undergraduate Bachelor Degree program. Bsc Agriculture program consists of topics such as- agriculture science, use ...Read more