As a VIT student i can say 200% VIT is the best option . To get seat in VIT you have to work hard , even after join you have to work too hard .
- With out commitment any one cannot survive in VIT but can survive in SRM.
- VIT is very strict compared to SRM.
- VIT have very good placements compared to SRM.
- In VIT culture is good.
Ask SRM students if you get seat in VIT which is your preference ? 9 out of 10 will reply VIT . But single person will say the silly reason like environment not good , bears and pubs , Drugs , raging . Its totally raging free campus , when we come to bad habits like drugs etc, every were in Indian colleges have its totally depends on your behaviour , but if you caught in campus smoking or drinking you will punish severly even some times you send from campus .
Finally i suggest you to prefer in VIT .