RVCE CS some JEE Advanced guys join in (Rank 4K,6K etc) and many prefer it even over their NITs (probably not ready to go out of the city). CET toppers and COMEDK toppers take it.
Next go to BMS,PESIT or MSRIT. PESIT has diluted the intake with PESSAT so it is a problem soon to be discovered.
After this you can go to VIT, Manipal and SRM. Certainly VIT is just a hype and their faculty had told a potential student that they keep holes in the rank list to fill later. So much for the quality of VITEE and I bet SRM must be playing their own games. Manipal is selling good stories but cant be sure. So if you are in Karnataka and hardup for a branch say CSE in your case then IIT(top 5+one or two), BITS Pilani campus, NIT Suratkal and then RVCE. Substitute RVCE with Guindy if in TN and Suratkal with Trichy. Similar examples for all 4 Southern states exist. VIT is for those who want good story as resume which sells in mass recruitments only!