In private colleges RV college is number one in terms of quality of students, Infrastructure, placements. I have spoken to few students from NIT suratkhal. They rated computer science branch of RVCE as almost equal in terms of all the above parameters. Other branches its below NIT suratkhal.
If you see in India there are many NIT. But only few NITs are better than or equal to RVCE. The comparison is based on below parameters.
- Quality of Students- Toppers of KCET and COMEDK takes admission here which makes it comparable to NITs. Top rankers of Jee who does not get desired branch they also opt for RVCE.
- Infrastructure – One of the best in bangalore with ample facilities in every department. They get enough fund (Management quota) to maintain this.
- Placements – The placement record of CSE, ISE and ECE branch can give few NITs the Run for the money. Its very good.