How much money needed?
A rough rough estimate
step 1- $880
step 2-$880
step 2 CS- $1535
step 3 – $845
Study material – 30k (excluding coaching)
Online mock tests – 6-12k per step
Airfares – 80k (economy class for one round trip), double if u plan 2 come back to india in between
Applications for residency – 60 k
Coaching at Kaplan for 1 step – 60k (not very sure for individual steps)
Commuting within US for interviews, exams etc – 50k
Sundry (like ISD calls, visits to us consulate, booze etc. ) – 40k
Stay in US for 6 months – 200k (If u know sumone, at whose place you can stay, it myt be much less cos it forms the major chunk of living expenses)
Attorney fees H1B visa processing – about 100k
Piyush kumarMaster
What will be the total expenditure for USMLE for Indians, and what will be the minimum salary once we start practicing?