Course is simple and syllabus is made for mediocre student level.The syllabus is divided into 3 units each containg 2 to 3 chapters max.Between semesters there are two mid semester tests or MSTs of 36 marks. Internal marks weighs 40 including MSTs 12 marks each, 3 assignments 1 or 2 tutorial sheets, 3 surprise tests and other stuffs. Final Exams or externals are held at the end of semester for 60 marks. Except Polytechnic course all courses Question papers are made by University faculty itself and Final exam answer sheets is checked by different faculties
Lots of events are celebrated here.For example this year there was AIU international youth festival in our University.Other than this film promotion are regular.And mainly Punjabi singers and actors comeso – Copyright Media Solutions if you’re looking for Bollywood thing then it’s difficult.All other activities like sports tournament and youth fests are held here