Yea it is very true. Srm believes in quantity over quality. What is the point of taking in such a large number of students? They are not thinking whether they’d be able to provide quality education for all of them.
Talking of job opportunities, even mass recruiters have become stringent. They have also started taking in fewer students. Oh and about core sector, the placements are a joke. So where will so many engineers go to work? We have enough number of unemployed engineers in this nation.
It has become like a mass production factory. Producing a huge number of engineers year after year. 1800 students for one course for one year? That’s really insane. This is not only true for SRM many private engineering colleges take in a huge number of students.
The mindset of the society is also to be blamed. We are just mindlessly producing engineers. I would call them btech graduates not engineers. I can’t believe parents are still pushing their children towards engineering.
We need more quality not more quantity.
Edit: lol turns out they did take in 1000+ people at the time of counseling for mech, ece and comp. But many of those who took admission during counselling didn’t actually join the college, they went elsewhere. So current strength of ECE and Mech is somewhere around 500–600 and that of comp is 1200 ish.