Hey friend,
There are many variables when it comes to solving questions for PG, like there are 2–3 different mcq books for each subject and every other person tells you that what they’re doing is best.
Actually they’re all not right, this is the matter of quality, Marrow Q bank questions are unmatched even they’re better than DAMS Q bank, if you go and ask from 100 people almost 99 people will say that do Marrow Q bank. I was watching interview of Dr Apurv Mehra Sir, who is one of the best faculties of orthopedics and teaches in Prepladder, even he appreciates marrow Q bank, i think there’s no big validation than this.
Marrow’s Questions are crafted not for just the sake of doing questions, they sometimes give you facts which are important but not included in the notes, sometimes recent advances are pushed as questions which keeps you updated.