The Hostel life sucks in each and every is almost jail And its too far from city. No proper transport provided for students.Even cab drivers refuse the bookings.
1)Non veg is not allowed in campus.
2)No Electrical Appliances are allowed.(Even Small Kettels)
3) Small cafteria and That To Maintained by same mess Authority.
4) Hostel food is Horrible(Your Day Always Ends With A Hungry Stomach.)
5) Fee can be increased at any time they increased 30k for no proper reason
6)They say it Georgia tech Curriculum or something at the time of joining But it Changes according to them
7) They Just say many things at the time of joining (It’s not true)
8)No foreign Internships for free (Costs Around 3 Lakhs For 2 Weeks)
9)They Can Change Anything When They Needed(Fee,Rules,Even Vice Chancellor)
10)No Proper Laundry For 5 Days only 5 Pair of Clothes are allowed(Difficult To Maintain Bedsheets,Night pairs)
11)They Can’t Care About Old Students They Only Need Admissions And More Money Simply
12) College Wifi Sucks Most Of The Times(No Mobile Network In This Area Poor Network)