Good that u realised it not too lately ,it’s possible to finish even if u start now ,U have time to complete ur third yr before u enter 4th yr ,if u really have great dedication u can complete ur third yr portion before 4th yr, coming to frst yr and sec yr subjects u can come across them in final yr sub and clinicals, all u need to do is try to find a particular topic and finish anat physio patho pharama of that topic ,also try to subscribe to any onl coaching ,this way you can manage ur portion if u r smart enough,don’t forget to solve mcqs
Also NEXT exam pattern mostly covers final yr and 3rd yr subjects , concentrate and try to finish ur 3rd yr sub frst then start with minor subs of final yr like derma ortho anaesthesia psychiatry then when u attend postings try to be attentive and correlate them with your medicine, surgery, pediatrics ,obg and gynecology . Also have a positive mind