Let me tell you my story
- During 1st MB Anatomy exam couldn’t identify histology slide. Was dread nervous hence forgot root value of brachial plexus. Forgot surface marking of ulnar nerve. Passed that exam just on mercy of examiner.
- Had nightmares about anatomy even after 1st MB.
- In 5th semester I got confused between shigella and salmonella and hence they failed me in microbiology.
- Never studied or learnt mycology during MBBS. Passed microbiology again on mercy of examiner
- Eye will be the most difficult and dry subject. It all just looked same.
- During final MB surgery practical couldn’t even examine the patient properly.
- During my entire MBBS, I felt incompetent.
- Needless to say I never got Honours or Distinction neither any Gold medals.
- I just survived MBBS barely making it through.
- Yet I Cracked NEET PG twice. During Internship year my AIR was 3636 and clinical seats in government colleges including MD Medicine (top branch) was available at my rank.