You should never compare two different Branches because we do not know what is your interest and aptitude. Both the Campuses of BITS PILANI – at Goa and Hyderabad – are excellent so the Campus does not matter. If you like Mechanical ...
College Guruji Latest Questions
I am not sure about Hyderabad but for Goa it’s a big fat yes. You will get internship opportunities at mech firm which you should be able to convert to a job offer but that is subjective to the firm. As ...
I am talking about Pilani Campus. The placement scenario varies year by year. Almost everyone got placed this year in all M.E Design, Mechanical and Manufacturing Branches and our Seniors too. Once you get in here just ensure that you ...
Manufacturing is closely related to Mechanical. Therefore most of the Mechanical companies allow students of Manufacturing to sit for placements as well. It is good. Core companies may not provide a good package initially but the growth is exponential. However, ...
BITS Recruiting companies: Apple Qualcomm Micron NVIDIA Texas Instruments Intel Google Hardware BCG Bain
Coming to your query regarding the placement scenario at BITS Pilani and the following campuses is all the same. You get access to apply and seek jobs in some top MNCs too. All the companies which come to the top five ...
Need a good CGPA at the end of first year, preferably >9.7 .Around 1% people get their branch changed every ...
Before we move on to placement condition of BITS Hyd campus, I would like to tell you that in India including IITs and NITs on campus placements are not that good. There are other ways of getting a job like ...