I dont think any university or college will provide you job if u dont have talent…
both are almost same universirty but ya when we talk about engineering then certainly galgotias university is best,bcoz it is the reputed name in same field, otherhands when we talk about sharda then it is good too but this is a prestigious name of medical not engineering…
i was student of galgotias university and my cousin was student of sharda university and we both were sharing the same room…so i am going compare to both university as per my opinion…
1.Admission critetia
Galgotias university-minimum 70% otherwise it would be very tough for you to take admission. Other option is management quota where you have to pay atleast 2 times the actual fees. I have seen so many case like this…whereas in Sharda univirsity you will get admission in 60% marks..No other extra charge..
2. Fees…
Galgotias university-180k per annum..whereas in sharda university-164k per annum(within this fees you will get concession too and they will provide you gadgets like-tablet phone, laptop etc. You can submit your fees in installment too)