I’m 1 time dropper, last year my score was 511. And this year I’m expecting 624. I used only ncert in my whole 1 year preparation.
Biology— only ncert and for questions— MTG fingertips.
Chemistry— for all inorganic, organic and physical ,I used only NCERT. For questions- ncert intext and exercise (must), MTG complete guide, jee main papers 2021( all 4 attempts paper ( one Direct question ( vitamin wala) of jee main 2021 was in neet 2021))
Physics— theory NCERT and teacher’s notes. Questions—ncert intext and exercise( must), high yielding questions banks( Aryan Raj wala), jee main 2021 questions paper (all 4 attempts paper) one Direct question was in neet 2021( de broglie wavelength wala, I had remembered that answer 😅🥳)