- Telegram groups.Although I doubt ,all of the videos wouldn’t be sitting there free for everyone to use.But do search around in popular groups.
- Some people sell it(you can get cheated off your money so be careful)
- Make a very sweet friend to share it with you.
- Occasionally it will be open for everyone for a short window.(I had utilised prepladders videos for a few topics since I missed the face to face classes of the same…during a short period before aiims or some exam they had opened it for free for everyone.But that time period is not enough to go through the whole portions).
1)So,It’s ideal to stick to one source and pay for it and utilise alltheir resources and that’s enough to crack neet pg,So choose that wisely.
2)If,you want prepladder or marrow videos as a supplement to something u already are following,Let me stop you and tell you that you are heading down a frenzied path.