With due respect, Do you think PG exams questions are from another world?? Do you think that PG exams syllabus and MBBS syllabus is different??
PG exams is all about how well you have read Ganong, how well you have read robbins, how well you have read Park etc.
Its not any different rocket science, its only MBBS.
Still this question is very frequently asked, so I would like to elaborate the whole journey from MBBS 1st day till appearing for PG exams.
For 1st MBBS:
- Read standard textbooks
- Attend all classes
- Have a knowledge based attitude
- After 1st prof solve subject wise MCQ’s
- Since 2nd year is of 18 months approx, after a year in 2nd year can be ideal time to join coaching institute as you will be able to understand the subjects a bit better.
- Parallel to reading textbooks, solve chapter wise mcqs of each subject.
- Attend clinics and should start slowly learning clinical things.
3rd MBBS:
- Ample of time. Revise previous year notes and review books and solve mcqs.
- Can start reading final year textbooks.
- Also have some time for eye and ent and try to finish it twice in 3rd year.
- Continue coaching, if not, do self study in this way.
Final MBBS:
- Focus on all the subjects of final year ONLY.
- Try to finish textbooks before prof ( tough task)
- Read high yield topics many times.
- Parallel MCQ subject wise & chapter wise.
- Revision of all subjects from notes and review books.
- Chapter wise mcqs already done so switch to ROAMS.
- High yield topics should be revised many times.
- Solve new pattern questions.
- Join test series of reputed coaching institutes.
- If possible, crash course can be joined.
By this way before appearing in PG exams, you will have an extra edge and high chances if getting a good rank. All the very best.
IN A NUTSHELL, Pg preparation starts from day1 itself to the day of exams.
Hope it will help.