Last 15 days is the most important phase of our preparation days. You need to be very careful in these days otherwise your entire hardwork which you have been doing since the past 2-3 yrs would go in vain. Here in this answer, I would be telling you all what I did in my last 15 days of NEET preparation.
First of all, I would like to address those who haven’t completed their syllabus till now and are still studying many topics for the 1st time. My only request to them would be that pls leave all hopes of clearing NEET in the last 15 days. Start preparing for the next year. No preparation strategy video on YouTube or any answer on quora can make you clear NEET in just 15 days.
Now coming to those, you have properly completed their syllabus and have even started revising their syllabus a long ago…atleast a month ago. You all have a very good chance of clearing this exam. All you have to do is not to lose hope in these last days.
Do take a very good care of health. Stop eating anything from outside. If you are a victim of frequent cold & cough then try to avoid drinking cold water. Don’t eat oily food. Don’t eat non-veg. Don’t over-eat also. I am emphasizing so much on health because trust me if you fall sick in the last 15 days then it can even cost you your NEET exam. You just can’t afford to lose even a single day now.