I recently completed my course of study at VIT so I think I’m in a fair position to comment. I faced the wrath of the endless procedures in the past few days as well as bid farewell to some of the closest friends I’ve ever made. So I’ll try to answer this objectively.
Short Answer :
There are a lot of facets to life at VIT. Sometimes, you feel like howling at the top of your lungs and just getting away and at times, you can’t get enough of it. But the negatives definitely outweigh the positives. There is an attitude of indifference by the university when its not bending toward sadism. The university tries to project that its doing the best for students but derives its thinking from ancient times. The girls are treated like lowly creatures, the students like cattle and the college is run more like a business than an academic institute. There are some good factors like placements which may improve its standing a little. But I’d rather send my child to a lesser ranked university if it avoids him/her the trouble of facing the ridiculous rules and persistent nagging by the faculty, the staff and the admin.