When I’m writing this answer,it is 16th February,2022. So I think there are hardly 75–80 days left. Now divide these 80 days into 4 parts. First 20 days explore the untouched part of your syllabus (if any) and with that revise what you have done already. Solve more and more questions for physics and chemistry. In the next 20 days start solving papers while keeping your revision schedule intact. You may solve 3–4 papers a week or more according to your convenience. Preferably don’t start any new topic. In the next 20 days you can increase the number of papers you solve per week. The last 20 days are most crucial. Keep solving papers and revise the whole syllabus in 10–15 days. Read ncert at least thrice for biology. For quick revision of physics you can maintain a diary and jot down all the important formulas and shortcuts.(very helpful in last 2–3 days). In this way you are done with everything 5 days prior to your exam. In the last 5 days become a bit relaxed and smartly study the parts which are very important or the parts in which you are weak. DO NOT try to learn anything new. A day before exam do not stress out and be calm and do not study much. Take a decent night’s sleep and face the exam with full confidence…