These are some tips that you can use to prepare for NEET 2022
- If you are a dropper you know all the concepts so the best way is to make a list of all the chapters and start revising the chapters which you feel are the toughest or need a lot of practice like OPTICS, THERMODYNAMICS,WAVES, ELECTROSTATICS etc.
- Make a schedule in which you can devote time for each subject.
- Your plan should have some easy and some hard topics so you don’t get frustrated because by doing easy topics you will get motivation and confidence for hard topics
- Read Biology NCERT everyday. Make charts, tables, cycles, diagrams to make it interesting
- This is very important…you should have a target to solve atleast 100 MCQ’s each of physics and chemistry (atleast 50) and for biology as many as you want. Keep track of the number of questions you solve. (Another source of motivation)
- Make a notebook for your doubts or the questions which you could not solve in the first trial and thise which are tricky and need a lot of concepts
- Specially for organic keep writing all the reactions and also understand the reaction mechanisms (Don’t just mug up!!)