the same amount of scholarship will remain applicable for all the semesters of study. That means it will remain recurring type for all the semesters till the end of the course.
There are certain excellent Scholarship Opportunities available in Lovely Professional University.
1) There is upto 55% scholarship through LPUNEST Exam. or Percentage in previous two qualifications.
2) Upto 100% scholarship may also be achieved through Sports / Cultural Scholarship.
3) Defence Scholarship provided to wards of Defence personnel.
4) Scholarship can also be achieved based on performance in National level Test.
5) Upto 100% Scholarship on performance in Social Service / Bravery (NSS/NCC)
6) Scholarship on performance in Research & Development (R&D)
7) Board Topper, Orphan Scholarships are also available in LPU.
8) Scholarship also be extended to person with certain disability.