If you could afford it,dual degree program would be a much better option.Core placements in chemical aren’t the best thats why some people from chemical engineering prefer sitting for IT companies but most of the IT companies allow only CS and Phoenix students to sit for Placements.
Almost 60% dualites gets CS or some circuit branches.So,it’s upto you.If you can be regular with your studies(even 70% of jee mode) then definitely u will get either CS or some circuit branch as BE.If you could end up with CS or circuit branch as your BE then definitely that would be much better than chemical.But if you are exhausted after 2 hectic jee years and wants to enjoy college life and you think u may not be able to be focussed for one more year,then in that case you shouldn’t opt for dual degree,as you might end up with civil or chemical as your BE if you dont study in your first year.
It’s not that you can’t enjoy your first year at college as a dualite.You will have enough free time for all your recreational activities like sports,gym, auditorium movie etc.But as a dualite you are required to be more focused to your academics as compared to your single degree friend.