First of all let me be very frank in answering to this.Money no matter how big or small matters and come to think of it paying 25lakhs for an engineering seat at RV is not among the best of the deals.Yes it is true that RVCE is one of the top rated private institutions in the country but at the end of four years of engineering what matters is what you as an individual has achieved .I am not denying that the name of institution does not matter at all .But if you have no other options (By options I mean colleges which are well known and have decent placements and faculty including all top regional colleges ) only then opt for RVCE ,CSE management quota . As I mentioned earlier hard work,interest to learn ,dedication are of primary concern institution comes next,So if your destined to make it big then you can do it no matter which college you are from.And no matter which college you study in Karnataka RVCE,UVCE,SJCE etc etc(except for Deemed institutions) the degree you will get is from VTU. So the choice is completely left to you well think about it and take an informed decision.All the Best!!
Akshay Kr SinghMaster
Is it worth paying 25 lakhs for the management quota for a CSE in the RV College of Engineering?