In context of the question asked, The answer to your question is Yes, It is possible.
But when you are studying urself you have some disadvantages, which makes it really difficult but still it is possible. problems in self studying:
- Unknown about the current trend
- A lot of mcqs to be solved by own.
- Cant access youself in an all india level test before exams
- Metric system( suppose you have read very well, and an easy repeat question is asked which whole country can answe because they have done coaching and u have missed it while reading, so on metric u will fall, even if u will answer difficult ones correct that would be counted as guess as u have done easy questions wrong.
- A lot more newer questions are asked these days which will be very peculiar for you as you have not joined any coaching, as they usually cover those topics.
- A sense of competition will be lacking when you will be studying urself