Yes, chitkara university offers a Bachelor of Science course in clinical laboratory technology. The University offers the best United Health Science courses in the region. Training lasts 4 years. Gain practical experience in clinical rotation in each area of the lab and perform diagnostic tests supervised in the working lab. As part of the curriculum, you need to complete a 6-month industrial training course. This course is designed to encourage self-study, critical thinking, communication skills, industry health conclaves, and disciplinary learning. Chit Carla has the best infrastructure, including a modern, well-equipped laboratory and a mannequin-based demonstration. They have best-in-class faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. Chitkara also has some of the best facilities such as hostels and exhibition facilities. A little annoying is that you have to approve the gate pass every time you leave the university campus. And that applies not only to hostels, but also to day-trip students. The program prepares students for a rewarding career in pharmacy practice, teaching and research. As the pharmacist’s scope of practice continues to expand, so will the career opportunities. The students get early exposure to the many career pathways in pharmacy, including basic research, public health, health outcomes and economics, pharmaceutical industry management and more. Our 4-Year undergraduate program is designed to introduce students with the properties and impacts of Pharmaceutical drugs. The program additionally helps students in developing the skills essential to counsel patients about medication and use of drugs. The program concentrates on preparing the students and training them for industry ready holistic pharmaceutical care in the practice setting