It feels awesome you’ll make many friends and you’ll meet the next Satya Nadella and the next Rajeev Suri, they are in first year right now studying CCE. You’ll also meet some people who want to give JEE for the second time and some who got 3.5k AIR in JEE Advanced but because of their passion in ECE they did not go to IIT. You’ll also meet Dr. GK Prabhu who has a great vision. You’ll see a lot of pictures of Sattu(Satya Nadella and Raju(Rajeev Suri), CEOs of Microsoft and Nokia respectively. Some people enjoy smoking some people enjoy looking at people who smoke. Some people randomly ask your name and branch and then they become your best friends. As I said in the beginning you make a lot of friends.
Thanks for reading. Hope it didn’t help because if it did something is wrong with you