I think Bennett University should be the obvious choice. The university has become one of the most sought-after destinations of study because of its strong association with Times of India group. The course curriculum is designed in consultation with senior editors of the Times group. Students are made to spend time doing practicals, i.e., planning and developing in-house newspapers, mobile videos, radio, and TV shows as a part of course curriculum.
Along with this, there are weekly discussions on latest developments in media with faculty members and top editors, and managers of The Times of India. University also organises a mandatory six to eight weeks internships in various media organizations for students to get hands-on experience.
To top it all, as a part of their curriculum students are required to build their website on the same CMS as that of Times Group and publish a 12-page newspaper – Times of Bennett, on the same lines as that of Times of India. Such kind of practical exposure improves their skills of reporting, photography, graphics, and advertisements.
Every semester there are mandatory field trips so that they gather information and convert it into mobile videos, journals, and news bulletins.