College Guruji Latest Questions
20 months means 1 year+8 month, which is more than enough. I was a dropper and I had only 6–7 months to prepare again for NEET as results were delayed. Even in my previous attempt, I didn’t get much time ...
As many MCQs as you can Revise all the topics you think you are weak in. Plant Morphology was my Achilles heel. Regualrise your sleep cycle. Try to sleep so that you can ...
Yaa, there is many person who crack exam in within a 1-2 months of preparation only if he/she start with his/her zero level but condition apply
Ofcourse you can !!! 90 days are more than enough if you are clear with basics . There are 98 chapters in NEET Syllabus ( The breakup is as B-38 , P- 30 , C-30) Things you need to stop doing right ...
If you follow this properly, I guarantee you a very good rank !: 1. Be sincere in your efforts (Half hearted hard work doesn’t give fruitful results !) 2. Practice from limited and standard books like SL Arora HC VERMA, etc. Dont ...
Firstly, You have to understand what people do after enrolling themselves in Coaching Programs (Say 1 year program). 1.They Go through Basic NCERT TEXTBOOKS and Topics that have more weightage in exam(That is just based on trend. Last year many trends ...
Without wasting a second you should start your work.
it is almost impossible . you should try next year.
1.Complete your syllabus as soon as possible. 2. Be selective instead of collective. Means you should mainly focus on NCERT text Books instead of other reference books. Because all the questions in NEET are asked directly from NCERT. 3.Solve all the PYQ (atleast ...