The National Testing Agency (NTA) which administers the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is yet to announce the JEE Main 2023 notification date and the dates of exams. The NTA will also announce the number of times JEE Main will be held this year in addition to the registration dates and JEE notification. JEE Main 2023 will be held for BE and Btech (Paper 1) and BArch (Paper 2A) and BPlanning (Paper 2B). The official website jeemain.nta.nic.in will host the JEE Main 2023 dates.
NTA conducted JEE Main exams in two sessions last year — June and July. The JEE Mains question paper had internal choices within the sections — Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. JEE Main question paper had 30 questions in each subject, divided into two sections. Any change in the JEE Main 2023 syllabus and exam pattern will be announced beforehand and candidates taking the entrance exam will be provided sufficient time to prepare for the exam.
The JEE Advanced 2023 syllabus has been revised for the 2023 exam. As per the new JEE Advanced syllabus, the Physics section includes topics under the broad categories of General Physics, Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Electromagnetic waves, Optics among others.
The Chemistry section covers topics including the States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, and Molecular Structure, among others. The Mathematics section includes Sets, Relations and Functions, Algebra and Matrices.
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