ICSI CSEET 2022: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) on Saturday announced that another exam for the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) will be conducted on November 14. Candidates who will be asked to appear for the exam can download their hall tickets at the official ICSI website — icsi.edu.
The institute has announced that candidates will be given a chance to re-appear for the CSEET 2022 exam as the exam conducted on November 12 had some technical issues. “It has been noticed that due to some technical issues, some candidates could not successfully appear in the CSEET which was held on Saturday, 12th November 2022 through Remote Proctored mode,” the official notice read.
“To facilitate such candidates, Institute is giving one more chance to appear in the same. Re-test will be conducted on Monday , 14th November 2022. In case the concerned candidates will not appear in the test scheduled to be held on Monday, 14th November 2022, they will be marked absent for the CSEET,” the notification added.
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