The Consortium Of National Law Universities (CNLU) will release the admit cards for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2023 today, December 6. Candidates who registered for the law entrance exam will be able to download their hall tickets from the official website at consortiumofnlus.ac.in.
As per the official schedule, candidates will also have to finalise their admission preferences to National Law Universities (NLU) tomorrow. The exam will be conducted on December 18 between 2 pm and 4 pm in the offline mode. The provisional answer key will be made available after the exam on December 18, while the final answer key will be released on December 24. Candidates can expect the test results to be out in the last week of December.
Step 1: Got to consortiumofnlus.ac.in
Step 2: The admit card link will be available on the home page. Click on it and enter your login details.Advertisement
Step 3: Once you submit the details, your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 4: Check the details on the admit card and download the page.
Step 5: Print out a hard copy for future use.
The CLAT 2023 will be held in 83 cities throughout India. Candidates must remember to download and carry their admit card to the exam hall as without it they will not be able to sit for the exam. They must also cross check all the information on the hall tickets and in case of any discrepancy, must cross check it with the authorities immediately.
CLAT is a national-level admission test for entrance to both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) law programmes offered by 22 NLUs in India. The UG paper will consist of 150 multiple-choice questions, while the PG paper will contain 120 such questions. The exam will cater to all candidates who want admission to the 5-year integrated Ll.B. and Ll.M. programmes beginning in the Academic Year 2023-2024.
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