AIMA MAT Admit Card 2022: All India Management Association (AIMA) will issue admit cards for the Management Aptitude Test (CBT 2) today, December 15. Registered candidates can login to mat.aima.ac.in and download their admit cards.
AIMA MAT CBT 2 will be conducted on December 17 (Sunday). AIMA conducted the CBT 1 exam on November 20 and the PBT test on December 11.
MAT is a national-level test which is held for shortlisting candidates for admission to MBA and allied programmes at over 600 B-Schools across the country.
Candidates can take MAT as Remote Proctored Internet Based Test (IBT) or Paper Based Test (PBT) or Computer Based Test (CBT). They can choose to appear for the exam in more than one mode (eg. IBT+IBT, PBT+CBT, IBT+PBT, IBT+CBT, CBT+CBT) for which they need to pay additional fees.
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