I have been trying to do the same since April 17, what this 5 months have taught me is, that its not about the short bursts of 20–50 mcqs that you can get right to the extent of 75–85%, its the daily grill of atleast 200 good mcqs practised even on the 36hr shifts day(i m yet to achieve this), theory and sub wise mcq preps matter but, random mcq pracs covering everything is more important, presently i m at 55–60% scores in the full neet pg mock tests, just half an hour back appeared for the Prepladder neet pg mock, got 890/1500, was disappointed, but mostly frustrating and energy draining to even do justice to all the 300 questions(was distracted every 30 mins to check my phone, etc), Stamina will be the key going forward. Just 2 months back i was getting 1000+/1500 scores in grand tests, slipped from studies due to too much involvement with the Internship, stopped studying, lost momentum.
Piyush kumarMaster
Is it possible to get under 1000 rank in NEET PG in 6-7 months of preparation while doing an internship?