Lovely Professional University is close to my heart. I’ve spend some of the very memorable days of my college life here and looking forward to so much more. I’ve tried summing up my experience so far, below:
Activities: Apart from education, the university also focuses on our extracurricular activities to bring out the best of our personality. Various activities and fests are organized by the university. Recently, I participated in a two-day Annual Megafest ‘One India 2018’ which was all about various different festivals and colors. It showcased more than 160 festivals which I, personally did not know existed until now. Haha. Anyhow, LPU is one of the best experience I’m having till now.
Academics: LPU from an educational point of view is a good place to start your career with. It is one of the decent university having a lovely campus. The quality of education is supreme which perfectly blends in with the technology. The faculty is highly supporting if one is willing to learn. Frequent guest lectures are often taken up by experts who are highly knowledgeable in their respective fields. Even guest lecturers from foreign universities also visit. I would suggest not to miss out on those. Regular tests are conducted by professors to make sure we understand things better. The syllabus is updated every 6 months
Placements: Almost 95% of students who have above 6 CGPA in our department get placed in a reputed company. On an average, 200 MNCs visit our campus every year, placing around 2000 students every year. Packages vary from 3.33lpa to 30 lpa based on the students’ skill.
Before the placements, students are trained in aptitude, reasoning, soft skills and language training, Interviewing skills right from the 2nd year, continuously for 1-1.5 years till they get job. Hence, you need not worry about the placements at LPU.