- Plan for a future — There is a long life after SRM to live too. Keep your eyes open for the next big thing, and try to get experience in the fields already
- Don’t plan for the future — Things change. People change. Circumstances change.
- Study for knowledge, not marks — A bad grade doesn’t matter, but getting your knowledge clear does.
- Get the marks nevertheless — A bad grade doesn’t matter, but if you can’t get the grades, you’re not clear in your head about the concepts. Especially true if you want an admission in masters at a good university later.
- Try new things — You’re young. Don’t let your past define you, this is the time to grow.
- Don’t try everything — Stay away from drugs. Don’t smoke. Drink in limit. Don’t bunk exams.
- Make lifelong friends — This is maybe going to be the last chance for you to forge lifelong friendships. Some of you might make more, most won’t. Not this type of friendship, nope.
- Understand that your friends won’t last a lifetime — Don’t worry what your friends think and say. Do what you want, do what you must. The people who matter the most today, might not matter in the least tomorrow. So chill.
- Use the opportunities to gain experience — screw making a little money, aim for creating experiences. I’ve personally lost a lot of experiences that I now wish I’d had, and no amount of money that I am making now — or shall make in the future — shall give me those experiences again.
- Waste as much time outside as possible — College life is not about learning all about life. It’s not about watching as many series as you can. It’s not about reading as much as you can. It’s not about anything other than enjoying life and learning a little of what your later life is going to be all about. To do that, you need to “waste” time with your friends, make boyfriends/girlfriends, get your heart broken, get used to being alone, get used to speaking in public, go out of your comfort zone, everything and anything. But none of that happens in your hostel room. Move.
What are some helpful tips for students starting their first year at SRM University?