Thanks for the A2A. This will vary a lot depending on a couple of things. APart from the cost of the exams which will cost you at least $4000, there are also some other “hidden costs” that many people do not take into account. Uworld subscription (assuming you do not use any other question banks) will cost you around $1500 on the average. It might be more or less depending how the length of your subscription. You will also do NBMEs which will cost you another approximately $500. Some people also do clinical mastery series but I didn’t so I am not sure of the cost. Application proper, accommodation and travel will cost you up to $5000-$10000 depending on where you are traveling from and also the number of programs you apply to. You will also buy books- first aid/ MTB. This of course doesn’t take into account feeding, transportation and accommodation. I would say plan for at least $10,000. Good luck with all. It’s a very expensive process but it’s all fulfilling and worth it at the end.
Piyush kumarMaster
What is the total cost of USMLE part 1,2 and 3 and residency application (assuming some one has applied to 10 programs)?